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This rat acutally looks nicer than Cliffy |
Definition of A Hoodrat Hooodrat (n): a person who is deemed to be dispicable or contemptible. Comes in many forms and races; black, brown, or white. They are found in almost any place inhabited by MEN !
Cliff's friends and family all benefit from his hustling activities. They are the DREGS of society. His mother, sister, father, his friends JC and Frank. Those are his main
This is what he looks like now. This is what living life HARD makes you look like!!! |
a hoodrat, but I didn't believe he really was until I met his family.
However, if you ever met his family, you would see why he's such a fuck up. Their life long aspirations are to end up on welfare and section 8 housing. None of them have a desire to be productive members of society, they just suck, fuck and steal their way to a better life. These people are the lowest form of earth and all need psychiatric care. They're all bottom feeders...parasites!!!
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Call Cliff for SEX! |
My favorite character in his parade of freaks is his mother who reminds me of Miss Cleo. Except Miss Cleo actually made money deceiving America, I don't think she gets much kickback from her son Cliff. She says she is from Trinidad, but I think she is a phony like the rest of them. She sits and braids his hair and pretends her boy is good guy, but it is all a show. Call me now for your Tree Readin! She is a scam artist and will hustle for her son and encourages him to con women out of their minds and wallets. Watch out for her, she created these monsters, so she will be up in yo business! Also, his father has had 15 children, yes 15 CHILDREN almost all with different bm's! WARNING SIGN....HELLO! RUN!!!
It's horrifying when a 26 year old female (his sister) prides herself on being a gangster from Concord. OOOH CONCORD IS HARD! Let me define her type of gangster: it's a pitiful wannabe gangster who has a child and thinks she is tough. Her boyfriend is an 18 year old illegal alien who just got deported and magically reappeared! WOW!! She breaks into cars for change, steals from Rite Aid and Food Max, lastly she hustles bunk weed and bad crystal meth. I hate to say this but it won't be long before she pisses off the wrong person and ends up like Jimmy Hoffa!! You will sleep with the fishes Felicia! These two are thick as thieves...literally! They love to play off each other, and she is always his MO. That's why the two of them went to jail at the same time, together where they belong!!. I guess that's why he has transformed from a pretend decent guy to an obvious piece of shit thug, oh wow, it runs in the family, SHOCKER!!!!
One of his cohorts is Frank, who drives a green bmw and is one short, ugly white guy who sends off the creepiest vibes ever!! Frank scares me the most, since he is only in it to support Cliff, or maybe he gets a little on the side, but I don't know any girl who would willingly have sex with this PERV! My advice is that you get a real job and leave the hustling to the parasites. I'd love to get the story on you. Dave Chappelle's stand up about the creepy white guy....Well, Frank, that is you! Remember, you'll just get taken like everyone else, you are just as much a pawn in his game as the girls that you help him hustle!!! His other cohort is his friend JC. He moves around a lot but he is aware of all of Cliff's ladies and has met them all as we drop him off at his house and pick him up from there. He used to live in Dublin but lives in Concord now. Wake up JC...he is using you too! He loves to manipulate white people into doing whatever he wants, whenever he wants...remember that! The hustling life is not glamorous, so stop enabling him.
Is the ghetto in Concord or Hayward really the glamorous life you thought you would be leading at your age?
Did I mention how he's all up in the business of these young teenage girls who are the daughters of the neighborhood slut? This man should be locked up away from all females! His newest victim is the Samoan girl who lives upstairs from him and he scores prescriptions of Vicodin and Norco from. I'm sure he's playing her like a violin. She'll realize he's scum soon enough but hopefully before it's too late! Maybe she is the one having his baby! His next victim...
I wish I would have seen all of this when I first met him, because he wouldn't have stood a chance in hell to get with me! Beware ladies, he is crafty and hides his real self!
Sleep with dogs and all you get is fleas I mean STD'S!!