Monday, June 13, 2011 gets so much better without Cliff Williams and his baby mama drama!

It's funny, because when I tell someone my story, they usually find it disturbing. They can't believe that someone actually exists without a heart or a soul, but that's Cliff Williams! He's an empty shell that's out to take whatever he can get out of anyone. My joke is that he could be with Heidi Klum, but he would fuck around with a female troll if he thought he could get a joint out of it. Yeah, he's really that low and desperate.

Even though this blog is supposed to be funny, I personally don't think there is anything funny about Cliff Williams.
I was told this is the "I got, got" blog by Cliff Williams' himself and he thought it was funny, because he believed we were fools to publicly discuss what he has done. Well, of course he's going to say that because he doesn't want this up to make everyone aware of who he really is and all the lies that come out of his mouth.. He doesn't want the other women that he is currently using to know the extent of his what a fuck up he is.
Cliff constantly cries that he's starving and has no money for even food. It's a tactic to play on your sympathies and pull on your heart strings. Don't fall for it ladies!  The reality is that he's one well feed asshole from all his women feeling sorry for him and taking him out to eat all over Concord, Hayward and Berkeley and not to mention all the free IHOP...he plays that one hard. Just remember, he's out to benefit one person and that's himself.

After I learned that he is a liar, cheat and thief he tried to convince me to stay with him and continue to play another woman for a car. He then claimed to be Robin FCKIN hood, yes LADIES, he is surely ROBIN HOOD! Stealing from his rich women to give to his poor women. Let's be real, the women he was hustling are not rich, but I guess if you refuse to work, everyone is rich in comparison to YOUR BROKE ASS. I was mortified that he even thought that I would enable this kind of behavior. It makes me wonder who else he has tried this with. Obviously, I didn't agree and completely got rid of him.

 One thing he always claimed was to hate his baby mama and it's totally believable if you've ever heard how he screams at her over the phone. That's not love. Cliff isn't capable of love, because he doesn't even love himself enough to go to the doctor and get rid of his STD that he knowingly spreads to all the women he's fucking.

What's even more twisted is that his baby mama who is pregnant again knows that he fucks around and is okay with it. I have to wonder if she benefits from his hustle, but I doubt it. I'm sure the only thing she's gotten out of it is an STD. She knows he is a dog and defends him. It's all pretty dysfunctional and disturbing. I have to wonder if any of her friends and family know that the man who does nothing but knock her up, is a male whore?

Oh well, not my problem...thank God. Honestly, I'm so thankful, because I consider myself so blessed to be away from this man. It's amazing how your life can improve by removing the one negative common denominator. This message isn't for Cliff, but to it's to make women aware that this man is a monster and that you're so much better off without him. I believe as a strong woman that I need to make other women aware of what Cliff is capable of.

Best always,

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

It doesn't take much to make another BABY!

This is a warning to all you ladies out there who are voting in our polls.  In case the NEW RECRUITS are not aware, Cliff is having another baby with his BM, who he claims to hate and despise and screams that he never wants to be with again. All of this is an act and he obviously doesn't hate her, still sleeps with her and will always sleep with her.  Cliff never leaves women, he just keeps on fucking with them.  She is well aware of his other ladies and enables his sick behavior if she can be his SQUIRTing BABY MACHINE.  He gave her the CLAP so his hustle has to be very strong right now.  This baby is almost here and just as a warning to all you new recruits out there, he will be cummin on strong!  Don't be fooled by the cock and psychobabble, he won't ever leave her.
Us Ladies at #TeamTruth would like to send a very special Congratulations to the happy unwed couple, here's to Shitty diapers, Sore nipples and many nights without Sleep!!! 

Cheers to many more babies to cum, since all Cliff does for a living is FUCK, he better step up his game...only 13 more babies to MATCH your daddy's record!  Go On BOY!!

Our advice to all you ladies out there susceptible to his web of lies is to just to stay away from their lovely lives, as they really do deserve each other!!! Find a man who isn't fathering bastard children all over east bay and spreading disease like cream cheese.  No one wins this game of life especially since he can't afford to pay child support, all will lose in the long run if this is what he has to teach his kids.
He really belongs on this show, at least these men get paid for being ManWhores, I bet they use condoms!